Backlinks and Brand Authority Matter

Backlinks enhance the SEO strength of a professional headshot photographer's website. These links from authoritative photography-related websites and industry influencers signify the website's credibility and expertise. They validate the photographer's portfolio and services, building trust with search engines and potential clients. Backlinks also facilitate search engine crawlers in discovering the photographer's work, leading to quicker indexing and improved visibility in relevant search results. By securing quality backlinks, the photographer's website gains a competitive edge, positioning them as a reputable choice and driving organic traffic from interested clients seeking the best headshot photographer in their city.

“The larger our network, the more powerful our brand and domain authority.”

Being a Student Headshots photographer is an excellent way to create a helpful and powerful backlink for your website, as all of our gallery pages link directly back to each photographer’s website. Photographers also benefit from using the Student Headshots logo on their website by increasing their overall brand authority.

Student Headshots is a sub-brand of Headshots Matter Inc., so all members of S/H will also be listed as Creative Members on the Headshots Matter website. Members will then have the opportunity to include both logos on their website, resulting in an elevated brand awareness.

We’re always working hard to increase the overall SEO strength of the entire Headshots Matter community for all members. One of the best ways is for each Associate photographer to backlink to their respective Student Headshots page. This backlink can be accompanied by the Headshots Matter logo (below) on each photographer’s own ‘about page’ or quietly posted as a link on a non-public page - both approaches are beneficial!

To add the above Student Headshots logo to accompany your backlink, either ‘left click’ or ‘control click’ to save the image to your computer. Then copy the link from your specific Student Headshots gallery page. 

If you need help finding your gallery page, please use the ‘Find A Photographer’
page at:

If you’d prefer to link to the Student Headshots homepage, please use this link: 

All members are invited to use @headshots.matter / Creative Member (unless you’re already an HSM Associate Member) on their Instagram profile, as well as adding Headshots Matter on their LinkedIn profile experience.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email and reach out!

Cheers, Dwayne Brown
Student Headshots