Minneapolis Student Headshots

Tammy Brice Creative / Minneapolis, Minnesota

With over 20 years of experience as a headshot photographer, Tammy Brice thrives on working with young professionals who are ready to take on the world. She is inspired by their excitement for the unknown and their boundless energy. Tammy’s passion lies in capturing this enthusiasm and translating it into powerful, professional headshots that convey confidence and potential. She understands the importance of a strong first impression and is dedicated to helping young professionals put their best foot forward as they embark on their career journeys. Whether in the studio or on location, Tammy’s sessions are designed to bring out the best in each individual, ensuring they are prepared to meet new opportunities head-on.

Tammy Brice

+1 (515) 208-8446


© Tammy Brice Creative | Minneapolis Headshots | Student LinkedIn Portraits